
    • Tıp Eğitimi: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakultesi (1998-2004)
    • Uzmanlık Eğitimi: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakultesi Kardiyoloji Abd (2005-2010)
    • Uzmanlık Tezi: Metabolik Sendrom Varlığında Alkole Bağlı Olmayan Karaciğer Yağlanmasının Karotis İntima-Media Kalınlığına Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi – Kasım 2010 AUTF

    İş Deneyimi:

    • Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakultesi (2005-2010)
    • Antalya Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi (2010-2011)
    • Manisa...
  • Heart diseases and especially coronary artery disease are among the leading causes of death in our country as well as in the world. The organs in our body need oxygen and nutrients in order to maintain their vitality and perform their duties. Necessary oxygen and nutrients are carried to the organs by blood through arteries (arteries). Our heart does the work of pumping blood into the arteries. In order for our heart to do its job, it needs nourishment. The vessels that feed the heart itself are called "coronary arteries" (coronary arteries). As a result of narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries as a result of atherosclerosis, our heart cannot be fed adequately and disrupts its function.

    Termessos Hospital Heart Health...